The Sirens Song Tavern is a staple in our community. We host live music from local and touring bands. We are one of the few venues left open in our community and this status is being threatened. We have been informed our landlord is not renewing our lease- which has left us scrambling to not lose another venue in Humboldt County. We fought- and won our right to stay through april which is the correct end of our 3 year lease.  We are hoping to quickly attain a new location and move the entirety of the bar over to it. This unexpected news has thrown us through a loop- and we need the communities help if we are going to succeed in the very short time frame that we were given.
We will not have an exact goal until we lock in a place as it will determine how much rent and deposit is needed- plus what parts of the bar will get reused, etc. 
We have to move the entirety of The Siren's Song.  The space is to be returned to the landlord as "a shell".  We understand money is tight in our community right now.  There are other ways you can support us.  The first- is simply attending our events or just stopping by for a drink.  you can also volunteer your time- we are grateful to have some qualified individuals offer their assistance when the time comes to break down and move.  But we will also need help just packing stuff up and loading/unloading. If- when we get to that point- you would like to volunteer.  let us know. 
we would also be grateful on any leads as to a viable space.  
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